Hey Mr Blue Sky!
Three days in a row the sun has been shining! Its like living in a whole new city! Today I don't even have my umbrella with me! Yesterday I ate lunch outside - sans jacket!
Obviously, this is exciting. Since I've been here, it has rained at least 6 days a week and 2-3 times a day. For example, I woke up on Saturday around 3 and looked out the window. 'ooooh, que bonito!' the sky was all blue and not even a cloud was in the sky. I went to the kitchen to make a glass of tea and began to plan what I could do on such a sunny day (should I go read in the park? should I go for a walk? or just do errands without an umbrealla?) and when my tea was done steeping, I went back to the living room and it was pouring rain! So, I put myself back in bed to read.
But today, almost a week into November it is so nice that I was sweating on my oh-so-slow-half-hour-walk to class.Just check out our crazy weather forcast- super warm for november and soon to be super rainy again. At least I can keep my hot pink umbrella in the closet until the weekend.